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Library of Medicine
Wednesday: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm
Library of Graduate Studies
Wednesday: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm

About Us


The AGU Library is one of the most important university libraries in Bahrain. It works actively to gather resources and provide services to students and researchers through two specialized sub-libraries: the Medical Science Library and the Science and Technology Library.


We aspire to be a leading library in spreading knowledge and providing services to support teaching, learning and scientific research, encouraging entrepreneurship and exploration, and helping to build an innovative university.


  • Build an integrated collection of high-quality resources
  • Enhanced access to virtual or physical information
  • Providing innovative services adapted to the evolving practices of users
  • Provide a favorable environment for learning, teaching, and scientific research


We seek to establish pioneering practices in organizing information to cope with the rapid transformation of information society and higher education curricula.

We adopt innovative approaches in management and services to meet the user's needs.

We provide the best services based on competent staff and the latest developments in information technology.

We build effective partnerships with national, regional, and international academic libraries to share information and experiences.