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Library of Medicine
Tuesday: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm
Library of Graduate Studies
Tuesday: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm


The AGU Library & LRC pursues an active policy of cooperation with libraries on a national and international level.

At the national level, this policy aims to consolidate the exchange relations that already exist and to strengthen them through the sharing of experiences and know-how.

At the level of the Gulf countries, the library is the focal point of the network of libraries of the GCC countries and as such, it is linked to the libraries of the GCC region by cordial ties of cooperation and exchange.

We are also a member of the of Special Libraries Association /Arabian Gulf Chapter and as such participate in its annual conferences and activities.

At the international level, we maintain relations with the British Library through which we benefit from the "document delivery" service, and with Oman College of Health Sciences within the framework of a bilateral agreement for the exchange of documents and information.