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Library of Medicine
Tuesday: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm
Library of Graduate Studies
Tuesday: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm

Collection Development Policy


The development of the collection includes two essential tasks, the acquisition of new resources and the weeding of resources that are no longer suitable for the collection. The Arabian Gulf Library & Resources Learning Center's mission is to provide the resources and information required for teaching, research, and support activities.

In order to achieve these aims the LLRC actively seeks and encourages the full participation of all members of the university, and particularly of academic and research staff and librarians, in the selection of materials for addition to the library stock.

Collection Overview

The collection includes books, journals, theses, reports, guides and manuals. The collection contains both electronic and printed material.

User Groups

In keeping with the University's mission, the Library works to support teaching and research by offering resources to all members of the Arabian Gulf University. External visitors to the Library use the Collection with the General Supervisor's permission.


As a general rule, materials will be limited to languages taught in the university. Selection of materials for other languages may be purchased.

Types (Formats)

Format Priorities 1st priority of selection is given to the electronic version
2nd priority is given to the paperback version
3rd priority is given to hardcover editions

Publication Dates

For purchasing new materials, we should select the latest publication year available. When requests for an old edition are made, consult with the requestor to confirm requests for older editions.

Number of Copies

English Books

Two copies, and depending on the teacher's request and on the number of the students attending the course.

Reserve Books

Multiple copies depending on the teacher's request and on the number of the students attending the course.

Arabic Books

One, and depending on the teacher's request and on the number of the students attending the course.

Special Considerations

Text Books

The Library purchases textbooks for courses taught at AGU when requested by academic staff. Copies of textbooks are also acquired when their price is too high for students to purchase themselves and in coordination with the Bookshop. Textbooks are located in Reserve.

Theses and Projects

Theses are collected by the library. Student projects will not be collected. The Library will provide access to master's theses donated to the Library by Arabian Gulf University students and faculty. Theses/dissertations from other universities will be made available online via Proquest and other databases like al Manhal etc.

Recreational Reading Materials

General books, popular fiction and books about hobbies are part of the collection according to faculty and user demand.


1st priority of selection is given to electronic. Print versions are only subscribed to if there is no electronic version of the journal.

Reference Collection

Replace print encyclopedias with electronic versions. In case there is no electronic version, replace encyclopedias every five years. Replace yearbooks and almanacs annually preferably with the electronic version.

A/V collection

The library buys audiovisual material corresponding to its fields of specialization.

Handling of Gifts and Donations

Acceptance of a donation is with the understanding that the library is free to use the gift in the most useful and beneficial way. Gifts will be evaluated on an individual basis and accordance to the library's selection criteria. Once donated, all items become the property of the library.

Collection Evaluation

The Library purchases resources to support the level of instructional programs of the Arabian Gulf University. Strong consideration is given to titles fulfilling the accreditation needs of faculties and departments.

Within the Library, selection and evaluation responsibilities are shared among the Library General supervisor, Head of Technical Service, Digital Library and Collection Development Coordinator, and Liaison Librarians. Outside the Library, selection assistance and advice is sought from academic department heads, academic staff, and students. Therefore, Liaison Librarians serve as coordinators for faculty in each department.

General Considerations:
  • Library materials support and are consistent with the general goals and objectives of the university.
  • Library materials meet high standards of quality in both content and presentation.
  • Library materials are appropriate for their subject area and for the needs, abilities and interests of those for whom the materials are selected and in order to support the teaching, learning, research programmes and support activities.
  • Library materials are authored and prepared by competent and qualified authors and publishers.


Objectives of Weeding:
  • Eliminate or replace obsolete or damaged documents.
  • A way of developing the collection such as acquiring latest/recent editions of older books on demand in any bibliographic resources.
  • Maximize the use of physical spaces by maintaining the rate overall usage of shelves at 90%.
  • Identify unused and redundant books/items.
  • Verify the strengths and weaknesses of resources for specific subjects (find out where more books are needed).
Weeding Procedure:
Who will manage and implement the Weeding procedures

Liaison Librarians, Information Specialists (from Circulation Unit, Information Unit), Collection Development coordinator, academic staff coordinator, Cataloguing staff.

Criteria for Weeding:
  • Documents whose content is obsolete, erroneous or whose author is no longer credible.
  • Documents whose content no longer corresponds to the University's offer of courses, to research activities or to the level of study of users
  • Physical state: Documents whose physical state (damaged pages, missing pages, erasures) makes the consultation difficult or impossible.
  • Reissue: Only the most recent edition of a book will be kept on the shelves of the library
  • Multiple copies: In the absence of an important consultation, the library usually keeps only one copy of each document.
  • Circulation: Documents whose consultation is weak or null.
  • Old or unused Books with more than one copy: retain one copy for Circulation and send the others to Archives, the rest will be discarded.
  • Create a printed list of suggested weeded items/books and send it to the Academic Coordinator.
  • Get the Academic coordinator approval prior any withdrawing or record change. Books are returned to the shelves if an acceptable case for retention is made by academic staff. New edition of some books can be ordered if it is requested by the academic coordinator.
  • A final approval is needed from the director of the library before the books can be sent to technical services to change their location.
Record Maintenance:
  • Change the weeded books/items status in the bibliographic records.
  • Stamp the weeded books with Withdrawn or Archives.
  • The Weeded list must get the General Supervisor's approval.
  • Following the list's approval, coordinate with the Cataloguing Unit for a location change in the catalogue record. The Weeding Procedure should take place between May and September.
Weeding Needs:
  • Shelves Allocate space Boxes.
  • Trolleys Barcode readers.
  • Borrowing Statistics from Circulation.

The books are then sent to the Technical Division (Cataloguing) in order to change their labels. Then the Head of Reference and user Services Department, will arrange for the books to be added to the Archives collection.


    Binding priorities are determined by level of use, current form, and expected period of retention. Out of print book titles that are still in demand are bound. Other damaged books are bound if it is cost-effective e.g. If only a hardback replacement is available.